regardless of when I've started reading, this list is currently in progress or finished in the current year
Seminar IV
Not particulary a standout seminar in terms of new concepts, but a thorough dig through one of Freud's work - this time Little Hans
Seminar V
I've been rather busy these past few months, but as usual have found time for Lacan. Think I actually understand the Graph of Desire less than I did before reading this.
Phenomenology of Spirit
Calculus : First Transcendentals
Calculus II goes so hard.
Undergraduate Physics Including Modern Physics
Prove It : A Structured Approach
God Emporer of Dune
Portrait of a Lady
I really, really enjoyed this. It just took so damn long to read. I'm having issues with fiction at the moment.
Slavery and Social Death
Transgender Psychoanalysis
The Half has never been told
Global Masculinities and Manhood
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjalis
Reading Seminars I and II
For a critique of the political economy of the sign
French for Reading and Translation
German for Reading Knowledge
For both of the above books I've gone a bit of a different direction - focusing on really basic A1 stuff for German, and for French I've found a b1/b2 course on Coursera that's free. I'll come back to these titles when I've made a bit of progress here.
The Peloponnesian War
The Autistic Subject On the Threshold of Language
really enjoying this one - looking forward to creating a critique of section 6, without derailing the overall project, which I see a lot of possibility for the future
Love, Guilt and Reparation and other works 1921 - 1945
Postmodernism or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism
The hundred years war on Palestine
A History of Psychology
The long way to a small angry planet
Liked this as a sci-fi that focused on customs and linguistic differences as the core of relationships without devolving into a "we're all the same" style rhetoric