This is more or less going to be a dedicated database of all the writing that I'm not deeply ashamed of - I certainly won't be sharing anything creative unless I win a short story competition or something like that. And even then I will think twice. These will be some of the few pages that I'm going to be asserting my right to a copyright. Anthropologically speaking, the internet is something like a human museum, and I certainly think that my own experience of subjectivity is just as banal as any other.
It's going to be hard not to sell my writing as a vague rip off of Baudrillaird - there's nothing in my writing that transcends the average critical theory podcast, and only crests on that gradient on particularly caffeinated days. It would be nice to formulise a system, but this almost certainly won't emerge until I've made many embarrasing mistakes, some of which I'm sure you can read here:
The only thing that gets me hyped about language learning is being able to translate things that are interesting to me. There are many recommendations online about watching French tv shows or French youtubers but quite frankly I find both hard to capture my attention on a good day. Therefore I'm about translating stuff that will further other fields of knowledge. Here is what I'm up to at the moment: